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Developmental stages & baby sleep

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Today's blog is looking at things we need to know about baby development and baby sleep. Moving babies on to the next stage cause mums a lot of angst. You've just got your little cutie...

What an amazing baby sleep turnaround!

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

There are several different sleep training methods you can use with most of the age groups. Sleep training is not and should not be a one-size-fits-all. It's finding the right one for you and your...

Tried and Tested Lullabies for Overtired Babies

Posted by Abi Staniford on

Parents are all too familiar with every technique in the book to calm down overtired babies. But sometimes, swaying your baby back and forth simply won’t cut it. When your baby is showing signs of...

Total Sleep Needs of Babies & Toddlers

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

The Developing Brain Sleep is important for the developing brain and body. By 3 years most children will have slept for more time than all the wakeful activities combined. Many parents worry their baby isn't...

Not Once but Twice

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

When you've helped a family not just once but twice now to get a good night's sleep it definitely needs sharing. "Hello lovely Karen,I’ve been holding out emailing you a progress and finally I have...

10 reasons sleep is important for babies

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Getting enough sleep for mums and babies is my passion and I totally understand the desperation you feel when sleep is not going well. These 10 reasons are why baby and toddler sleep has me...

Toddler refuses to sleep at night

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

I often get mums messaging me via my online chat in the middle of the night from overseas. This desperate message came from a mum in the UK and she'd sent it at 4 pm...

Limit setting for your baby 0-12 months

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Limit Setting Toddlers are designed to push boundaries and it comes naturally to these cute little mini dictators. The danger as their parent is you forget to maintain your boundary or limit setting. Until the...

Non-nutritive breast feeding and baby sleep regressions

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

The sleep regression I hear the phrase 'my baby has a sleep regression' mentioned a lot and I'm going to explore this little hot potato. Breastfeeding your baby to sleep after 4-months of age is...

Lucy was always crying and wouldn't sleep

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Lucy, Rachel and Tom’s Story Just after the clock ticked over, on the first of January our little baby Lucy came into the world. She was a beautiful and determined little spirit, our first baby....