When you've helped a family not just once but twice now to get a good night's sleep it definitely needs sharing.
"Hello lovely Karen,
I’ve been holding out emailing you a progress and finally I have great success I wanted to share.
I am not surprised that William has adjusted so quickly and he’s even more deliciously adorable than ever. I think he’s loving the tweaked routine as much as mum & dad are.
Since our call last Sunday will has now slept through the night 4 times, and requires less and less time from us to resettle himself if he does wake. The last 2 nights he had slept from 6.45pm - 6.45am (I literally have to wake him).
He even had a big upper tooth pop through in the last week and we didn’t even realise
I’ve also seen an improvement in his lunch sleep – with more 2hr sleeps from him.
I’ve definitely taken your advise on clothing and am rugging him up more overnight which I definitely think has helped as well as re-thinking his diet.
I feel really confident now that I’m doing the right thing and he certainly seems sprightlier and happier in himself.
You are amazing!
I’ll keep you updated once we make it through the 4-week stage.
We've first used Karen with our 1st baby when she was 8 months, and just recently I contacted her again for my 2nd bub who is now 8 months.
I am not surprised that we've seen immediate results and after 4 nights we are now getting continuous sleep through the entire night from our 8 month old! We are all much sprightlier and happier than ever before.
Karen has given me the confidence and tools to understand my children's needs for sleep and nutrition. Both my kids are now amazing sleepers and I credit this to Karen.