I have been advising earlier introduction of solids for quite a while now, and I have been vindicated.
Something had to change. I have been coming across many babies with cows milk protein allergy, egg allergy and wheat allergy as well as others. Ten to fifteen years ago, I hardly saw any food allergies or intolerances. When I arrived in Australia 10 years ago we changed the introduction to solids guidelines to 6 months of age and I saw the incidence of eczema escalate rapidly. In the UK we had been introducing solid food at 3-4 months and I saw a much lower prevalence of eczema. It was pretty obvious to me even then. Those of you who know me will recall me telling you this.
All these babies have food allergy and they are just a small selection of the babies I have come across with this potentially life threatening health issue.
Hallelujah! Common sense and medical research has prevailed.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has reviewed its' stance on introduction to solids to babies and will soon be publishing new revised guidelines.
You may remember my blog in March 2012 and my dismay of how many food allergies I am coming across in very young babies.
I have advised my sister, Lesley on introducing solids to Miss Freya at 4 months and we gave her egg as one of her first foods. I am so glad that we did this. Neither of Miss Freya's parents have any atopic disease and I wanted to ensure that Freya never did. As many of you know I live with the trifecta - asthma, eczema and hay fever and I wanted to reduce Miss Freya's risk of food allergy. If we give egg before 6 months to babies, where there is no atopic disease to either parent, we can reduce egg allergy by 5 fold. Now that is HUGE.
It can't come soon enough. This is about health outcomes and a healthy population. Something we all want for our children...
- Tags: 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 9 months baby baby feeding baby food baby food pouches fil_All things baby feeding finger food finger foods homemade baby food independent eating infant nutrition moving onto solids
karen on
Hello Vanessa,thank you for your comments. Interesting! Around 6 months means around 6 months. There is a window of opportunity and every baby takes to solid food at different ages. The ASCIA guidelines follow 4-6 months of age and it is those I am referring to. I believe they know what they are talking about. Yes, currently it stands at 6 months for solids but the NHMRC is reviewing its position on age of introduction of solids. Maybe check out this article from a well respected Australian newspaper that I regularly read. The ASCIA guidelines recommend 4-6 months of age. “The National Health and Medical Research Council will soon release new guidelines for infant feeding, which will relax its current recommendation that babies be exclusively breastfed for six months.”
“They are advising that the NHMRC relaxes its guidelines to 4-6 months of age.Professor Dianne Campbell, who chairs ASCIA’s paediatric committee and heads the paediatric allergy services at Westmead Children’s Hospital in Sydney yesterday said ASCIA had advised the NHMRC to change its guidelines.”
I think its a case of watch this space.
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/new-weaning-guidelines-in-response-to-increase-in-child-allergies/story-e6frg6n6-1226537159388 -
Vanessa on
Honestly if you think “around 6 mths” means 4 mths, you are not very smart.
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Vanessa on
The NMHRC is NOT changing the guidelines. They will remain at “around 6 mths”. Please check your facts.
Vanessa it currently stands at 6 months, you are most correct. However the ASCIA board have recommended that the NHMRC changes its position to their guidelines of 4-6 months of age.