This new product changes the way that babies take milk from a bottle and mimics the unique attributes of how a baby breast feeds. It is as close to breast feeding as is possible, that i have seen.
I had a thoroughly interesting and thought provoking morning.
Yes the breakfast was divine and healthy.

I met some amazing people including the lovely Jessica Rowe. She really is is a gorgeous person, very insightful and Jessica gave a great speech on behalf on all mums/parents with the struggles of parenthood and trying to breastfeed when it's all going pear shaped - as it can.

What really got me thinking, was how many mums I've met recently, who want good accurate information on how to breast feed and have a life i.e. maybe go to an exercise class once a week or maybe get a hair cut. The basics that most of us take for granted.
You might even remember a YouTube clip I did on giving a bottle of expressed breast milk to a breast fed baby (Miss Austin). She took it for me, no problem. But would she perform for her parents? No! They just wanted 8 hours off to go to a wedding and grandma was going to look after her for the day.
I've come across heaps of mums who were told by Midwives (and yes I am a Midwife) not to give the baby a bottle even if it is expressed breast milk till at least 3 months - in case the baby rejects the breast. It was the same in Miss Austin's case.
I advised my sister, Lesley to give Freya a regular bottle of expressed breast milk from 2 weeks old! And she is still breast fed (no formula) and has never rejected the breast.
Mothers and parents need and deserve good informed discussions around feeding. Maybe if that bottle and teat is a NEW Pigeon Peristaltic PLUS teat, then that may make life all the easier. I was very impressed by what I heard, what I saw, and the research behind it. And I'm not easily persuaded. Not even a nice breakfast can buy my vote.
I have a few samples. So, if any mums would like to test one out, then please come along and see me at my usual Wednesday venue. Djuna, I have one saved especially for you!
Thank you Pigeon. Thank you for giving mums and parents choice...and freedom.
My next blog will look at the research behind the product and how I think it is different and better to other teats. Watch this space...