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Quinoa a perfect baby breakfast puree

Posted by Karen Faulkner on
quinoa, baby food, baby feeding, baby purees, baby sleep
Those of you who know me or who have read my blogs will no doubt recall my love of quinoa.

It's one of those words that takes a while to get used to how to say it! I know because it took me a while. Say it as keenwah (use the phonetics) and you'll know how to say it in no time.

It's an amazing superfood, consisting of both carbohydrate and protein it originates from South America. And best of all it's gluten free so can easily be given to babies before six months of age with no issues with allergy.

It has a low glycaemic index which means it takes longer to digest so gives a sustained release of energy. It's a better food option than farex or baby rice and may reduce your baby's risk of obesity and diabetes. Something to think about.

Quinoa for baby food purees

It also reduces the likelihood of constipation. Farex is a filler and is iron enriched and is notorious for making babies constipated. It's also been linked to childhood obesity and diabetes.

So where do you get this superfood?

Good news peeps. It has arrived in Coles and Woolworths in their health food aisles. Also health food shops stock it. The health food shop in Gould Street, Bondi has it as has the Organic shop in Danks Street, Waterloo and lots of other places.

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How Do You Cook Quinoa?

Buy it as flakes and you can prepare it just like baby rice, add boiling water to it. Let it stand for a few minutes and once soaked it can be mixed with whatever floats your boat, fruit or veggies e.g. Quinoa, blueberry and apple porridge - yummo; Quinoa, roasted pumpkin and zucchini. For a really great breakfast option mix quinoa, millet and porridge oats.

If you're using quinoa grains wash first in a sieve like you would rice grains to remove pesticides and cook as normal. The grains take around 20 minutes to cook.

The finer the grain the easier it is to cook. So if you're doing a mixed grain cereal, bamix/blend to a fine consistency first before cooking and it'll reduce the cooking time.

And if you really want to go to town and give some omega 3 try a sprinkle of LSA (Linseed, Sunflower and Almond) and watch those brain cells grow!

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