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What an amazing baby sleep turnaround!

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

There are several different sleep training methods you can use with most of the age groups. Sleep training is not and should not be a one-size-fits-all. It's finding the right one for you and your...

Not Once but Twice

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

When you've helped a family not just once but twice now to get a good night's sleep it definitely needs sharing. "Hello lovely Karen,I’ve been holding out emailing you a progress and finally I have...

Should you sleep train before or after an overseas holiday?

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Overseas holiday I get asked the question about sleep training, and should a parent do it before or after an overseas trip quite often? Parents worry that all their hard work will be undone by...

3 Reasons Your Baby Needs Good Day Naps

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Catnapping Catnapping is something that frustrates many mums. A catnap is a short nap, anything from 20-40 minutes. For babies, under 3-4 months of age, a cat nap can be a normal phenomenon. they are...

Mum needs sleep training courage

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Sleep training and change Making the change to your baby's sleep and deciding to sleep train, can take a lot of courage. When you're already exhausted, from weeks of frequent night waking you need sleep...

Longterm demand feeding may be doing harm

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Feeding schedules and demand feeding Demand feeding has become an overused and misinterpreted phrase. Formula-fed babies are rarely demand fed. It’s mainly breast-fed babies. Whilst this is a good thing in the early months, to...

The 4 month sleep regression is real

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Sleep regression The 4-month sleep regression derails babies, starting off a spiral of sleep deprivation. I’m taking you right back to my Health Visitor training in England. Parents are taught at 2-8 weeks postnatal, how to help their...

Link between ear infections, bottle feeding & pacifiers

Posted by Karen Faulkner on Comfort sucking with milk in bottles Many babies are left with a bottle of milk in their cot. Parents do this in an attempt to reduce their disturbed sleep. Also hoping the toddler will...

Never give up on helping your toddler get a good nights sleep

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

So many parents accept poor quality sleep for their children and they think that nothing can be done. I'm a big believer that a lot can be done and I never give up on any...

Baby stuck in sitting in cot & won't settle to sleep

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Baby stuck sitting up and won't lay down This blog idea came from a bedtime visit of baby whispering to 8 month Tilly who had got stuck in sitting in her cot. A breech baby...