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When your older baby has breast refusal

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Breast refusal happens more than you think. I get many phone calls about this. It upsets mums, babies are not happy and it can happy to anyone.My niece Freya decided at 9 months that she'd...

Breakfast ideas for the 6 month plus baby

Posted by Karen Faulkner on
I'm often asked for breakfast ideas that are nutritious, tasty and promote sleep. Sleep needs to be looked at from a holistic perspective and part of that assessment is diet. The ideal ratio of nutrients at each meal is 1/3 carbohydrates, 1/3 protein and 1/3 fruit or veggies. Protein helps that brain grow and makes such a difference to sleep. Breakfast is a very important start to your baby's day. They've been sleeping all night and now they need energy and calories fast! it may be worth starting your day with breakfast and giving milk just before that morning nap.

Cows Milk Protein Allergy or Intolerance and Formula Feeding

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Preventing Allergies in Infants with a Family History What to Feed Your Allergic Baby Babies can develop intolerance or allergy. Breastfed infants can develop allergy due to food proteins the mother eats passing through her...

Sore nipples and breast feeding

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

This week has been a bit of a political hot potato in Australia with one of our TV presenters (Kochie on Sunrise) putting mouth into gear before engaging his brain. It was all to do...

White spot on the nipple

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Another blog that has come and found me this week!I met a mum at Basger's Pharmacy, my usual Wednesday morning venue at Bondi. She'd come in with a story of a recent bout of mastitis.Very painful...

New Pigeon Peristaltic PLUS teat

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

As you all know, yesterday I spent a lovely morning at the product launch of the New Pigeon Peristaltic PLUS teat™.I think it's important to look at the science behind the product and why I...

Allergic food reaction in a baby

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

This is quite a common sight in my GP Practice Nurse job, food reactions/allergies in babies.This week we had a 7 month old baby present with a reaction to kiwi fruit.A lot of people think that...

Baby led weaning - moving baby onto solid food

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

I've ventured down the road of the VLOG or video blog, whatever you want to call it.My first one got lost in outer space. I'd spent ages doing it last Wednesday at Bondi at Basgers...

How to make baby food purees - 4-6 month

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Here's a great selection of YouTube videos for starting your baby on solids.Yes, I agree YouTube can be a bit variable but I have selected the best and most useful. And I have watched all...

Solids talk at the Swiss Grand, Bondi

Posted by Karen Faulkner on

Karen does talks on solids in many varied locations! This is one on Bondi Beach in March. If a trip over to Erskineville is too far I can come and do a talk at any...