My first one got lost in outer space. I'd spent ages doing it last Wednesday at Bondi at Basgers and all the baby's were SOOOO CUTE!
So I'll repeat it next Wednesday. Hopefully practice makes perfect.
Yesterday I spent a divine afternoon with Miss Ava and her mummy, Jade in Gymea Bay.
And here is some of what we got up to...
Karen's first VLOG. Finally a chance to see the girl behind the blog. In fact I enjoyed it so much I think it may be a regular feature!
Ava loved the Baby Led Weaning.
Ava is now 8 months old and she'd recently started food refusal. The mouth was closed and she was a conscientious objector to being fed purees so we approached it from a different perspective. We let her have control.
Me and her mummy sat facing her at the dining table and we ate our sandwiches with her. Really important to eat with your baby. It's all in the modelling of behaviour.
She watched and watched and definitely ate more when we were eating too.
Research shows, that when babies and children sit at the table and eat with their parents, they make better food choices and are more likely to eat a balanced diet than when eating alone or in front of the television.
YAY for Miss Ava and the Baby Led Weaning and thank you to her mummy, Jade who made it all possible.