Yes I'm a shameless crocheter and I love it.
I can show you some of my most recent assignments, as I'm home in England now (Lake District) and I've given little sis her baby presents.
This is the pram blankie. It colour co-ordinates with her pram...yes it's bright!

I learnt to crochet at A Coffee and a Yarn a fine cafe and crochet/knitting emporium in Newtown, Sydney which has unfortunately closed down as of April 9th.
It may reopen so follow their webpage for news...http://acoffeeandayarn.com/
Still no baby...
A few twinges last night that made her go a bit pale and wince.
It's my mum's birthday today (won't reveal her age - I need to survive the rest of my holiday!) and she's DESPERATE for the bub to arrive today. No pressure Lesley!!!!
So she's now Term + 7. This baby is way too comfortable. Hmmm.
Dad's just been to the papershop and weather report - sunshining, nice and fresh with a bit of a breeze. Temp 10C and rising.
Yesterday...well...I arrived into Manchester airport and it was all of 5C and rain. I've renamed it Grimchester.
Today dad's going to plant his tomato plants (he's a garden obsessive and grows tomatoes for all the neighbours) in the greenhouse.
His tomatoes are famous. The flavour and abundance are amazing. Unfortunately I shan't be around to taste them but at least I get to see the start of the process.
In OZ we have no idea what a greenhouse looks like! LOL. Oh and we have a conservatory (sunroom) hehehe.
So...back to crochet. It's a great hobby and you can make some fab things for bub and the kids.

I get a lot of my wool from Nundle (near Tamworth). It has the last woollen mill in Australia and it does the softest pure Australian wool. I've tried Lincraft and Spotlight but this wool feels so much softer, especially for bub. Both my blankies are made of their wool.
You can order from the website or the old fashioned and trusty phone. Very quick delivery. I've been there and it is a truly amazing place.
There are a heap of great resources on YouTube that can teach you how to crochet.
There's also a heap of really cool crochet blogs out there. My favourite one is Attic 24 http://attic24.typepad.com/
Other good ones are Crochet with Raymond (siamese cat who is creative director) http://crochethealingandraymond.wordpress.com/?blogsub=confirming#subscribe-blog
and http://www.coffeecatsnyarn.com/ and http://www.purlsoho.com/purlLet your imagination run riot and get on with some hooky business. It's a really cheap relaxing hobby and when you've made a homemade baby blankie you'll be the proudest mum, aunty, best friend etc in the world.
On a pleasure scale it rates high.
Believe me you'll be hooked...LOL :-)