We had a trip to the hospital yesterday (Royal Lancaster Infirmary) after a false alarm and a slight raised blood pressure.
So, off we went, sis, me (the midwife), mum and dad. Jonny was at work in Liverpool.
A Cardiotocograph (beautiful trace) and a few BP readings and some bloods and we were on our way.

There was a bit of uterine activity but not enough...We're working on it!
Weather report - sunshine, warm and 18C. Much hotter in the conservatory - hehehe! The Aussies would laugh at me sat in this glass oven.
I'm staying with my family in a sleepy little village in South Lake District (Cumbria). It's very pretty and very very quiet....
I got as far as the corner shop today, in between instructing sis on an exercise program to get this bub moving!
Spring is definitely in the air, beautiful flowers, bluebells, narcissus and sweet little lambs.
It really is quite beautiful.
New beginnings....