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Nurture Parenting has a new website

Posted by Karen Faulkner on
baby sleep, nurture parenting, online sleep program

It's been a long time coming but it's finally here and I'm so excited.

I'm relaunching Nurture Parenting Solutions as Nurture Parenting and it's official.

I established my business just over 3 years ago and as all businesses evolve, so has Nurture Parenting. I started feeling less warmly towards the solutions bit. I found it clinical and not at all touchy feely. For those of you that know me well, you'll know that hugs and warmth are all part of who I am.


You may have noticed my new logo? It's a lotus flower and to me it embodies the qualities that I value - looking for the truth, looking for the light. It's a very spiritual image and I like that about it. Its also not too dissimilar to the stock photo I was using as a temporary logo. I've always loved the colour purple and my front room at home has a purple wall exactly this shade!

The logo was developed by a very special person - Stu.

Stu is a father I had met on one of my many baby sleep home visits. Stu's story had really struck a chord with me. His and Bridgets' story just blew me away and I wanted Stu to design my logo.  He brings a wealth of experience to his work and I believe in supporting people I believe in.

You might remember Stu and Bridget's story.

The website design has taken 5 long months to come together. It's been great, it's been painful at times and like any new thing frustrating but ultimately it's been extremely satisfying. I feel this new website represents who and what Nurture Parenting is and will give you a better feel of what my brand stands for.

There is a new digital tab - Karen on Digital which will be growing. Watch this space. The blog is still here and there are now more than 240 awesome and educational blogpost gems. My old website will still be there and will redirect to the new one.

The URL is new...

My programmes include baby sleep and toddler sleep up to 5 years old and toddler/child behaviour issues. There will be more packages to come as this grows. I'm looking at a subscription service and I'm hoping to get discount from private health insurance for all those booking a home visit. I'm still teaching baby massage and baby yoga and I'm including these in my sleep magic 1-2-3 package. My workload became so busy that it had to go as a standalone thing.

The new website has NEW video success stories. Woo-hoo. Check out Jane & Archie,

Danielle, Sean & Emily

and Lisa.

It has my FREE top 10 baby sleep tips to download. 

There are many new and exciting things to come at Nurture Parenting and I feel so very inspired.

I'd like to say a HUGE thank you for all you lovely parents that have been a part of this crazy journey. You make me want NURTURE PARENTING to become even more AMAZING. I will soon need peoples to join me on my team. I've realised that the days of just me are numbered and I'm ready for the next step. That has been a huge thing and it's sort of like sending your child to school and letting others shape and form what has been your most precious thing.

I'm ready and I'm very very excited. YAY!!!

Let all your friends and parents and mothers groups know. Pass on the news, follow me on this blog and like me on Facebook for all future updates.

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