I again would like to thank you for your help with Luca over the last couple of months. He is much happier and a more settled little man.
So the sleep training … where do I begin ….
After I spoke to you that afternoon, I was a little apprehensive to say the least about starting sleep training. As we discussed I was feeding Luca at least 2 times per night if not up to 4 times. The thought of him sleeping through and not feeding him seemed unachievable, however I was going to give it a go as Luca was already eating 3 meals a day and I was sure he just wanted to be comforted by me and was not actually hungry. Luca was booked in for his 6 month needles a week later so I decided that I would wait until he had been given his shots just in case it made him more unsettled and disrupted any progress we would make.I had mentally prepared myself and had enlisted the help of my mother in-law for a few nights as Tim (Luca’s Dad) would easily give-in to ongoing crying.
Night one of sleep training was better than expected!
Luca woke up a few times and it took some effort to settle him but we eventually made it through the night. We had set a “rule” that we would not feed him until 6am and it worked! Nights two and three were better again with Luca waking less frequently and settling faster. By night five Luca was and still is not waking through the night!We also discovered Luca had a tooth on day four, so all things considered he did exceptionally well :)
Before daylight savings ended Luca generally had a 5am wake up, however I would always try and settle him back to sleep until at least 6am before I fed him, some days succeeding and others not. Luca is now waking at 4am given we had to turn back the clock and again with some days going back to sleep and others not. I am not sure if there is anything I can do to push this out … Luca now goes to bed between 6.30-7pm and I have tried putting him to bed later but it has not worked. He also still has 3 or 4 naps per day of 40 min each and is drinking on average about 700ml per day. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thank you again Karen for your help
I think Daniela's done really well and Luca is such a little cutie :-) Thank you, Daniela, for taking the time to put into words what sleep training is like. I'm sure it'll give lots of encouragement to the parents out there. I'm sure you'll all agree 4 am is way too early to start your day! Luca also needs to move to 2 sleeps a day that will make him more sleepy at nighttime and do the majority of his sleeps at that time. Here are a few ideas to read that I gave to Daniela to sort out the last piece of the jigsaw!
You can see solving baby sleep can be a bit of a jigsaw and we get it sorted with what you need to know and ongoing support. You can get the know-how and support you need via my Nurture Sleep Program.
Access my 3 decades of experience as a registered midwife and child and family health nurse via the Nurture Sleep Program.
The Nurture Sleep Program will take your baby from sleepless to slumber in up to 7 easy lessons across 3 age groups.
? FOODS that promote sleep
⏰ ROUTINE: easy, flexible, sleep-ready
? ENVIRONMENT: getting it right
?? DEVELOPMENT changes: how these affect sleep
? SLEEP METHODS: secret tips that will change your life
It will stop the guesswork and give you:
✅ A tried and tested approach (20 years of helping families with baby & toddler sleep)
✅ Evidence-based
✅ Gentle baby sleep methods
✅ Holistic assessment
✅ Nurture & Nourish nutrition program – all recipes have sleep-inducing ingredients and a perfect balance for a good nights sleep
✅ Access to a closed Facebook group for one on one support from Karen and 90+ timecoded Facebook Live videos
✅ Prevention for under 4 months so no need to do sleep training ever
✅ And all at a low $97 for a very limited time