Vogue is 13 months old and I received a phone call from her parents who thought they'd never get their little girl back into her cot. After helping out she got into it willingly, there was no crying and very quickly Vogue learnt to self settle, re-resettle and sleep through the night. Her parents share ...
"After returning from a lovely holiday overseas visiting family it was as if Vogue's cot had caught a virus and Vogue was allergic to her cot!
She just became petrified of it and as such after trying every other method we knew we resorted to having her in our bed as didn't know how else to calm her down. This was not the answer!
Thanks to you Karen, she is a “ Different Child” who is now loving her cot, loves bedtime and can settle herself within a few minutes of waking if it's not yet time to wake up.
There were obviously a few trying times for Vogue, whilst the routine was being set. However, we as parents, now have a better idea of what our baby girl is trying to tell us through her tired signs, etc. We appreciate the information you were able to share with us, so we can achieve all this, whilst remaining calm.
We have a very happy and content child and we are loving sleeping all the way through the night and eating more now too as she is no longer too tired to eat!"
Her parents can now talk at a normal pitch when she's tucked up in bed. They can use the dishwasher again and dad no longer has to use the downstairs shower. Life is as it should be. There is peace and calm once more in this Northern Beaches home :-)
I'm sure there are many parents out there who want what Vogue's parents have. I know this story will resonate with so many. Karen is only a phone call away ...