This little but very important blog came about by a little 16-month-old and her walking.
Mum came to see me at Basger's Pharmacy at my usual Wednesday gig in North Bondi. She'd been walking since 9/10 months and is now 16 months.
She'd been walking since 9/10 months and was now 16 months.
She has been walking 'pigeon-toed' also known as in-toeing. I asked mum if she had been falling over? Yes was the answer.
Did anyone in the family need help with splints in their shoes or had walking issues? Yes was the answer.
So what is normal with walking, feet and development?
Most children will walk between 9 months and 18 months and development needs to be sequential i.e. crawling moves on from sitting and standing and walking follow on from crawling.
Most children have bow shaped legs until 18 months and most have flat feet until 6 years. These are normal parameters.
If you watch the video above between 1:09 and 1:47 it is demonstrated beautifully.
So what do you need to do if you suspect there is an issue with your child's walking?
You can see your GP for a referral to a pediatric physio or most community health services have a paediatric physio you can see via the child & Family Health Nurses at your local clinics.It's important to know that most cases need no treatment and will correct themselves spontaneously. It is been shown that the bone twisting conditions cannot be fixed with braces, shoe inserts or special shoes. These methods were used in the past and found to have no effect.
It has since been discovered that the bones correct themselves without any treatment. Occasionally your doctor may recommend a brace for a special reason.
So try not to worry it will most probably correct itself in time.