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Teething rash

Posted by Karen Faulkner on
Teething rash
Teething is one of those parenting conundrums and has many urban myths, Today I'm sticking to the truth and fact! As a nurse of many years, I've seen a lot of teething babies and I've heard a lot of truths and untruths. So I think It's timely to look at teething in depth and find the truth.

What is the truth about teething and rashes?

Direct quote ~ "According to paediatrician William Sears, it is common for babies to get a facial rash when teething. Generally, you will notice a red, raised rash that appears around his mouth and on his chin, lips, neck or chest. The rash is caused by excess saliva stimulated by the teething process."


Symptoms can last for just a few days, right around the time a new tooth is emerging, or for as long as several months if a lot of teeth come through all at once. For a few lucky babies (and parents), teething doesn't cause any noticeable signs at all. ... A tooth visible below the gum. Irritability.


How do you know if your baby is teething?

Some babies have no signs or symptoms of teething whereas others may experience any or all of these.
    • Irritability and crying.
    • Broken sleep and very unsettled
    • Excessive drooling of saliva
    • Redness of facial cheeks
    • Pulling on ears
    • Rash on face, neck or chest, usually caused by excessive drooling.
    • Gnawing on fingers, fist and any object they can put in their mouth.
    • Can be picky about solid food as gums are inflamed.
    • Can posit or vomit more than usual.

    • Sore bottom, nappy rash and runny poos. Teething produces more saliva and increases gastric juices which are acid and these upset your baby's digestive system.

teething rash

Symptoms can last for just a few days, right around the time a new tooth is emerging, or for as long as several months if a lot of teeth come through all at once. For a few lucky babies (and parents), teething doesn't cause any noticeable signs at all. ... A tooth visible below the gum. Irritability.

How can you help the teething rash?

    1. Keep your baby's skin clean and dry. Dab the skin, don't rub.Rubbing will irritate it further.

    2. Change wet clothes immediately, and use a bib until the drooling stops.

    3. Use a thin layer of barrier cream to treat existing drool rash. Something with a high oil content that is very moist e.g. Bepanthem, Zinc and Castor Oil ointment. Ointments have more moisture than creams and heal skin quickly.

    4. Consult your GP or baby doctor if the rash isn't getting better.

Teething and eczema

Teething doesn't cause eczema, but it can make it worse. Babies with eczema already suffer from easily irritated skin. Saliva from the constant teething drooling can build up around your child's mouth and chin and cause eczema flares.

How long do symptoms last?

There's no set date when your baby's first tooth will arrive. I've even seen 3 babies born with teeth. Most babies start at around six to eight months, but it can happen at any time, from birth to after her first birthday. Teething can continue on for a year or more. Your baby should have all her milk teeth by the time she's two-and-a-half years old. Rashes and dribbling/drooling of saliva usually occur just before and as a tooth is erupting. Once it's settled down and the tooth has erupted the drooling usually stops.

Why do babies get rashes on their bottom and nappy area?

The theory is teething causes excess salivation, which leads to dribbling. The dribbles cause face rashes, and swallowing the saliva causes looseness of the bowels and sore bottoms. Puraforce remedy teething drops may help by reducing the acidity of the urine and bowels.

"The most likely scientific explanation blames a hormonal imbalance. Endocrine is produced during teething as a result of stress. Extra peptides (endocrines facilitating the digestive process, but whose precise function is not properly understood) are released in the gastro-intestinal tract, which can lead to fluid imbalance, resulting in diarrhoea, poor fluid absorption and a sore bottom".

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