It's really important to put your baby to sleep, FULLY AWAKE in the cot or bassinette, from an early age. This is something you should try and practice by 4-6 weeks of age.
The skill of being able to self-settle is key to eventually, sleeping through the night.'
ALL BABIES need support and training to attain this amazing skill. It's not something that happens by chance!
Sleep associations are really powerful and not to be underestimated.
These past few weeks I've come across all sorts of sleep associations as parents cling to anything as long as it works.
The problem is when baby wakes at 1.2 or 3 am where is that sleep association to put the baby back to sleep?
Gone is the music, and the toy (they can't relocate it), same with the dummy and the person that rocked them to sleep.
So if you can't recreate the thing that got them to sleep all through the night, try not to start using it in the first place.
With sleep training, you really EARN THE RESULTS and these are a gift to your baby for life.