I have had the busiest few weeks baby whispering and I haven't had the chance to share these little cuties with you! I think it's so important for parents out there to know that there is always hope where sleep is concerned. Never ever give up hope no matter how tough it can feel at times.
These parents were once so sleep deprived. Here is Levi who had a really bad case of reflux and had put his mum through the wringer. He is baby number two and it had taken her seven years to have him. He resisted learning to sleep big time and I went to help mum on an overnight stay. It was tough. Levi has a very strong resistant temperament but we got there. Here is the little cutie now. He sleeps amazingly well. Love this photo.
This is what his mum Carly told me recently, "It still blows me away how far we have come. No more medicine, no more stomach calm, he eats anything and everything and sleeps like a champion every single night. I couldn't even tell you the last time I was up through the night with him. Amazing!"
I also help parents through Skype and I have a lot of families I now help interstate and overseas.
Here is little Grace (click on this link to see her on video) from West Yorkshire in the UK. I just love this video of her enjoying the winter snowflakes from the comfort of her highchair. Divine :-)
And here is Stella, now nearly one! Stella was four months old and was sleeping in her mums bed permanently and breastfeeding a lot.
She is baby number two and it had all got too much for mum so I went round to help her. Stella is another strong little personality and within a week was doing amazing day sleeps.
She now sleeps through every night, eats well and is just so happy and so is mum.
Thanks Raelene for another photo that speaks volumes.
This little cutie was the proverbial cat napper before I went to help her parents just before Christmas.
Jamie is now eight months old. She's on two naps a day, first one about 3 hours after morning wake up, second one about 3 and a half to 4 hours after 1st nap wake up. She wakes up once for a breast feed at night which mum is totally happy with and eats like a champion.
This photo is awesome and I love how happy she is. Too cute for words :-)
And here are two devoted little sisters who I've helped. I went to help mum Mel with Sienna when she was eight months and Sahara just six weeks.
This is what mum had to say: "Sahara has slept through more in ten weeks than Sienna did in 8 months!!!!!!!! It's amazing how different you feel when you have a bubba that sleeps so thank you! Makes me want another one.. ;)))"
Sahara, baby number two, was doing 1.45 hour day naps by five months and just loves eating pancakes. Comparing sleep training which mum had done with Sahara (baby no one) to baby sleep learning which we had done with baby no two mum found it, "flipping amazing". And it is. There is minimal or no crying and they learn to sleep through the night naturally. And as Mel says, "Happy mumma=happy bubba". I couldn't agree more.