I never imagined I would write a blog, never mind have people actually read it!!!
And best of all I hit the half a million readers/visitor mark this week. It made me go all sort of funny and mushy inside! So I'm sharing the love and sending hugs out to the universe.
I even have people as far away as Antarctica and Scandinavia who follow my blog. Amazing :-)
All you parents and your babies and children, that I meet, are my inspiration and I feel you all need a heads up for doing such a mighty fine job.
Parents need more support and praise for a job well done.
Now I've completed my Oscars speech and have not ventured down the road of doing a Gwyneth and blubbing all over the podium!!! Sorry Gwyneth!
Back to the important job of the blog and another video blog/VLOG.
Today's VLOG comes from my pharmacy job at Basger's in North Bondi, Sydney and you get to meet some of the cute bubba's and I give you a little insight into my world. Just a little, mind, as I can be quite a private person at times! HAHAHA!!!
So sit back and press play and welcome to my world...