When you've reached desperation
Parents don't contact me when they are just a little bit tired. They contact me when they feel completely broken and have nothing left. These were not first-time parents either. Both mum and dad had children from their first marriages and neither had bad sleepers previously. This sleep deprivation came as a complete shock to both of them. Luckily Asher turned from terrible to terrific after my sleep training.
Choosing the right sleep training method
Making sure you choose the right sleep training method for the developmental age is crucial. Asher was 9 months and so had recently gone through the tricky 6-8 month wonder week and was struggling with separation anxiety. Sleep school had chosen a method similar to controlled crying, a checking method which would have made him feel insecure and abandoned. Boys struggle more with sleep training. Knowing this I decided Magic Presence was the best method to use to help Asher.
Sleep school had not helped Asher
Asher just turned 6 months when we asked Karen for help and it's one of the best decisions we made as prior to that we had 4-night stay in one of Sydney's sleep schools and Asher came out of it worse than he went in... he was petrified of his cot... If I could describe Asher's sleep in 1 word prior to Karen coming into our life it was - terrible.
His sleep was terrible
Asher now sleeps through the night and he is a happy chappy and so are his parents as they finally can have some grown-up time and they no longer need to rock their baby to sleep every couple of hours.
Kind regards Lucy
And if you’re battling with getting your little one to sleep then... You need to know about my NEWLY launched online #nurturesleepprogram ??
It will stop the guesswork and give you:
a tried and tested approach (20 years of helping families with baby & toddler sleep) ✅
Evidence based ✅
Gentle baby sleep methods ✅
Holistic assessment ✅
Nurture & Nourish nutrition program - all recipes have sleep inducing ingredients and a perfect balance for a good nights sleep ✅
Access to a closed Facebook group for one on one support from Karen and 90+ timecoded Facebook Live videos ✅
Prevention for under 4 months ✅ so no need to do sleep training ever ✅
And all at a low $97 for a very limited time ✅
Can you tell Karen is getting rather excited for all you parents who need a good nights sleep and one that happens EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and not just in a blue moon ? .