I said goodbye to my first web designer/developer Jeroen and his wife Julie and the gorgeous Rosalie 2 yr and 5 months as they left for a new life in San Francisco. I'm so proud and happy for them all. Jeroen has been head hunted by a Silicon Valley company. How cool is that?!! For a super geek like Jeroen it's the dream of your career.
Jeroen and Julie have really influenced the Nurture Parenting you know today. Me and Jeroen sat together on my couch 4 years ago and mapped out this parenting business. We had baby sleep, toddler behaviour, baby massage and that was our template. It was a little home office business and I never had any plans to be more than just me.
Then Julie (left) got me blogging and look at it now, nearly 400 blogs later!! Then it was setting up a Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube. Julie is an inspiration and I have lots more gems from Julie coming your way this year.
I'm going to miss them heaps and it was a very emotional goodbye. On their last day in OZ Rosalie had her afternoon nap in my bed. Lovely happy memories. Rosalie is on a lot of my YouTube videos, Facebook and Blog. She is a truly amazing little girl and her favourite thing to play with are dinosaurs.
Here are a few YouTube video's with Rosalie. She's helped teach parents how to manage wind and gas in their new baby and how to teach your baby to crawl. I'm going to miss having her around. They lived 2 doors down and I used to see them most days. I'm closely following their new life in San Fran. I'm sure I can talk Julie into writing a blog about parenting San Fran style. Watch this space ;-)
And here is Rosalie now in San Fran on a tram and having fun in their new home country.
Thank you for everything Jeroen, Julie & Rosalie. I'll be over to see you hopefully very soon XX