Hello peoples,
the wet weather has put a mini jinx on uploading my FB video's so I'm going to try and load them on the blog! There's always another way I figure :-)
And this is the flood outside where I live, that stopped me uploading anything!
These were the Q's and they were really good ones.
1. What's appropriate to dress your baby in at night?
https://youtu.be/pPPNcmUm7WQ2. What are your top tips for settling a 1yr old baby into daycare.
https://youtu.be/IJK_VlVQi-Q3. My question is about Nap transition (from two naps down to one). How do you know when your baby is ready to transition to just one nap, and what do you suggest to make the transition a smooth one for bub?
Also, approx. what age do babies make the transition?
Coming soon...
I hope you liked my answers :-)