As many of you know I really struggle with the Baby Whisperer thing. I know that parents will Google me, Karen and add Baby Whisperer to the search engine too.
Why do I struggle with it? Well I like to think that I know a lot about baby sleep. I have many qualifications and I think these pieces of paper add to my credibility. I have 2 science honours degrees in Psychology and Community Specialist Practitioner, I'm also a registered midwife and a heap of other stuff too. Baby Whisperer conjures up images of Kooky LaLa and flaky stuff. I use intuition a lot, after 26 years as a midwife it's hard not too. Does that make me a Baby Whisperer? I guess some parents would say yes. Maybe it's time I got over myself!! Hahaha.
I decided on the name Baby Sleep Guru as it said to me, that Guru's know stuff and I know i know stuff. I have been challenged on calling myself a Guru, all from men. I'm a strong feisty chick and I put all that down to the patriarchal society we live in - Australia. My answer to their question, "You've gotta be careful calling yourself a Guru. Guru's know stuff," I look them in the eye and reply, " I... know... stuff". End of that conversation.
I remember reading an article in the Courier Mail (Brisbane newspaper) and going off on one and having a rant on my soapbox. It was titled Baby Whisperer or Carpet Baggers?http://blogs.news.com.au/couriermail/parenting/index.php/couriermail/comments/the_economy_of_motherhood_awash_with_baby_whisperers/
I just love this quote from that article.
"The term ‘whisperer’ holds mystical connotations. It clearly harks back to horse whisperer origins, an almost magical practice of horsemanship (some say, equine psychology) that relies on a trainer’s innate understanding of the horse’s mind in order to heal or simply ‘break in’ the animal. By calling themselves “Baby Whisperers” these businesswomen are presenting a level of Zen-like one-ness with babies, implying they can tame the unruly infant with a Hoges-like hand waggle and a whiny chant."
So when did this term Baby Whisperer raise its' head? Was it Sheyne Rowley, The Australian Baby Whisperer or Tizzie Hall or Tracy Hogg? Or has it been around since the start of time? I think we are a group of special people with special skills. We know babies. Parents turn to us when all else has failed and usually the wheels have well and truly fallen off and nothing is working anymore.
Parents need help with their babies.
All they want to know is, "Can you get my baby to sleep?" And can you do it in a kind way, avoid controlled crying and still get results.
A big YES YES YES to all those 3 things from me.
Babies deserve kindness and I believe if you help them learn to sleep in a kind way you will actually get better results. My methods include cuddles, lots of them. The more you stress a baby the less likely they are to sleep. It's knowing when to cuddle, when to leave in the cot, what each cry means and what is normal.
I'm writing a book on baby sleep and it will be out in May (no! Maybe Feb 2016!!). Oooh exciting! I can't wait. In the meantime I'll try and reconcile myself with this baby whisperer thing!!