The news of a baby’s arrival is exciting for every parent. Despite this, there are many things you need to prepare for this new addition to your family. One of these considerations includes buying the right newborn essentials.
However, as a new parent, you probably don’t know where to begin and what exactly are the things you need for your little one. In addition, a large majority of baby registries will suggest a long list of baby must-haves which leaves you more confused than ever.
Fortunately, there are guidelines presented by baby experts that you can follow when shopping for your baby must-haves. Take a look at this infographic that shows the ultimate newborn essentials checklist for new parents.
The Ultimate Baby Must-Haves Checklist

Shopping for baby clothing is probably one of the most exciting tasks for new parents. But while fancy baby clothes can look cute on your newborn, always keep in mind that all he needs are clothing pieces that can keep him warm and comfortable.
#1. Onesies
Onesies are like jammies that can be used for both sleeping and playing. Pick a style that can be zipped down or snapped open on the front to have easy access when changing soiled nappies.
2. Pyjamas
Pyjamas that can snugly fit your baby can ensure his comfortability during nighttime. Look for clothing preferably made of soft and breathable natural fabrics such as cotton.
Tip: Avoid jammies with strings, ribbons, and other decorative additions, as they can choke your baby while sleeping.
#3. Sweaters or Jackets
Since babies can’t properly regulate their temperature early, buying sweaters and jackets is a must to keep them cozy and warm.
Choose a larger size with loose armholes to
Avoid fussiness and unnecessary tugging.
#4. Undershirts
Your baby will also need extra pairs of short-sleeved shirts to wear underneath a sweater or jacket. Look for ones with a stretchable neckline so you can easily slip it over your infant’s head.
#5. Leggings or Comfortable Pants
Pants allow changing outfits without the need to replace the whole get-up. In addition, an elastic waistband present in leggings and jogging pants easily fit your baby’s waist and can expand whenever he’s in a diaper.
#6. Socks or Booties
You might be tempted to buy tiny shoes because they would look adorable on your baby’s little feet. However, your newborn doesn’t need hard-soled shoes during his first year. Opt for socks or booties instead.
Did You Know? According to numerous researches, some types of shoes can affect your baby’s development, especially when worn during his early years.
#7. Hats
Hats protect your infant by offering shade from the sun during summer and warmth throughout the winter.
#8. Mittens
Baby mittens are necessary to keep your little one’s hands from freezing during the cold winter season. It can also prevent cuts and scratches caused by his fingernails.
Changing soiled nappies is a daunting task for most parents. Fortunately, these diapering must-haves can make the work easier for you.
#1. Disposable or Cloth Nappies
No matter what kind of nappies you choose for your newborn, you’d probably change it 10-12 times every day, so it’s a must to be wise in your purchases.
For instance, if you use disposable ones, make sure to start with small packs first, as certain types can irritate your baby’s skin.
#2. Unscented Baby Wipes
A baby’s skin is still sensitive to harsh chemicals such as fragrances. As such, it’s necessary to clean his bottom area with unscented baby wipes to minimize adverse effects.
#3. Changing Table
It would help if you had a place to change your little one’s diaper. And while you can always plop him on top of a changing pad or towel, investing in a changing table will significantly ease the job.
#4. Diaper Pail and Liners
To keep dreaded scents at bay, buy an airtight diaper pail that can seal and store your baby’s dirty nappies...
Tip: If you prefer cloth diapers, consider a lidded pail that comes with a washable liner.
#5. Diaper Cream
Since you need to change your baby’s diaper every hour or so, he is most likely to develop a bad case of diaper rash.
Prevent this from happening by adding a diaper cream to your shopping basket.
#6. Diaper Bag
It’s necessary to have a diaper bag,
especially when you travel a lot with your little one. Get one that’s big enough to carry all baby nappy essentials.
The preparation for your baby’s nursery probably started way before you knew the gender of your newborn. However, you might still be missing a few more things to complete the room.
#1. Bassinet or Crib
During your baby’s first few months, opt for a bassinet as it’s more space-saving. You can put it beside your bed, making it easier to tend to your baby during nighttime.
However, he will eventually outgrow it, so it's advisable to buy a crib ahead of time.
Tip: Avoid buying drop-side cribs as they have caused dozens of baby deaths.
#2. Baby Monitor
This gadget allows you to keep an eye on your little one while you’re in another room. Just make sure to put the transmitter close enough to pick up the sounds your baby makes.
#3. Humidifier
A humidifier can help your baby sleep better because it eases nasal congestion. It can also help with dry and chapped skin as it provides moisture to the air.
Tip: It’s a must to clean the machine often, so you avoid introducing mould into your baby’s nursery.
#4. Night Lamp
If you often change your baby’s nappies in the middle of the night, use a night lamp and keep the lighting as dim as possible to avoid overstimulating him.
There are a lot of fancy bedding sets in baby stores, but all you need are these essential things.
#1. Fitted Sheets
Equip your baby’s crib with a fitted crib sheet to minimize the risk of SIDS and accidental suffocations.
#2. Crib Mattress Pads
Often, your baby will have bowel and bladder movements when sleeping, so it’s a must to buy a couple of crib mattress pads. This will help protect the bed sheets underneath, so you don’t have to wash them daily.
#3. Swaddling Blankets
Most newborns love to be swaddled to sleep. As such, having a blanket specifically made for this purpose can make your life easier.
#4. Wearable Blankets (for colder climates)
Wearable blankets are good alternatives to traditional blankets because they keep your little one warm without the risk of SIDS.
Breast milk provides all the necessary nutrients for your newborn. That’s why it’s essential to buy the right items to help you with breastfeeding.
#1. Nursing Pillow
Nursing pillows are designed to support your baby while you’re nursing. It also helps you avoid neck and shoulder strains.
#2. Nursing Bras
Nursing bras are specially made for mums’
lactating breasts to allow your little one easy access to feed.
#3. Breast Pads
Your breasts tend to leak whenever you're nursing. That’s why it’s advisable to have breast pads to keep your clothing dry.
#4. Nipple Cream
Nipple creams, such as lanolin, can help treat and relieve tender breasts and sore nipples.
#5. Burp Cloths
It’s a must to have burp cloths to catch spit and wipe other baby fluids whenever you're breastfeeding.
Formula Feeding
If you prefer feeding your baby with formula, here’s a list of baby must-haves to make it easier for the both of you.
#1. Baby Formula
There are a lot of options when it comes to infant formulas. Carefully review each one and talk to your provider to see which one is the best for your baby.
#2. Baby Bottles
One hundred mill baby bottles are perfect for your newborn when you’re just starting formula, but you will eventually need 300mill bottles as he begins to drink more.
#3. Insulated Bottle Carrier
If you’re always on the go, buy insulated bottle carriers to keep the formula milk warm or cool.
#4. Bottle-cleaning Brush
This cleaning tool is specially designed to scrub tiny parts and crevices in baby bottles thoroughly.
Are you having trouble calming down your fussy baby?
Buy these items to soothe him.
#1. Pacifiers
Babies love sucking on pacifiers because it reminds them of their time inside their mum’s womb.
#2. Mobile
Putting a mobile above your baby’s crib will keep him happy and entertained.
#3. White Noise Machine
Newborns find complete silence a little disturbing as they are used to the sounds inside their bodies.
It’s advisable to invest in a white noise machine to help your little one fall asleep quickly.
Bath and Grooming
It’s a must that you occasionally groom your baby to keep him healthy. Here’s what you need to buy for a proper bath time.
#1. Baby Bathtub
Bathing your baby on the kitchen sink works well when he’s still a few months old. However, you should still consider a baby bathtub to accommodate his growing size.
#2. Baby Soap and Shampoo
Your baby’s skin and eyes are still sensitive at a young age so look for no-tears formulas.
Tip: Look for soap and shampoo brands that don’t list “fragrance” as an ingredient as it exposes your baby to phthalates.
#3. Baby Towels
Opt to dry your newborn with baby towels as regular bath towels are often too big.
#4. Soft-bristled Toothbrush
Your little one might sprout a few baby teeth at about six months of age. Having a soft-bristled baby toothbrush will help you clean your teeth safely and adequately.
#5. Baby Hairbrush
Your baby’s hair is still fine, so a gentle baby brush is required to comb and styles his hair correctly.
#6. Baby Nail Scissors and Clippers
This kind of nail clippers is specially designed to trim and smooth your baby’s nails safely.
#7. Washcloths
Soft washcloths have multiple purposes for grooming. You can use it to wipe your baby’s teeth after eating, gently wipe his nose, and even clean his ears.
Did You Know? Ear wax is beneficialfor your baby as it protects his ear from dryness and infections.
Baby Gear
Perfect for on-the-go parents, these baby gear must-haves will make the parenting job so much easier.
#1. Stroller
Want to bring your baby with you around the neighbourhood? Simply buy a stroller and you can travel with your little one.
Tip: There are a lot of strollers in the market. It’s a must to think about your needs (storage space for shopping or reclining seat for napping) before buying one.
#2. Baby Carrier
A baby carrier is also useful to take your baby with you when doing errands. The best part about it is that your two handsare free to do your tasks easily.
Tip: Check all the straps and harnesses prior to buying a baby carrier to make sure they can support your infant securely.
#3. Infant Car Seat
Having an infant car seat is a must to keep your newborn safe during road trips. Avoid buying a used car seat as it does not meet the current safety regulations enforced by law.
#4. Car Seat Cover or Blanket
Your baby should not wear a thick jacket whilein the car seat as it can prevent the seatbelt from being properly tightened.
Opt for a car seat blanket instead to keep your baby warm.
#5. Sunshades
Sunshades in the car window will protect your little one’s eyes and skin from the harmful rays of the sun.
Make sure to have these items in your medicine cabinet to treat any unexpected sickness encountered by your baby.
#1. Thermometer
Opt for a digital thermometer to get a reading of your baby’s temperature in less than a minute or so.
#2. Prescription Medication
Keep your doctor’s phone number andprescriptions just in case your infant’s sickness get worse.
#3. Infant Tylenol
You can let your infant take tylenol to lowerhis fever and ease his pain.
#4. Bandages
Always have sterile bandages at hand toprevent bleeding from your baby’s scrapes and cuts.
#5. Tweezers
Use tweezers to remove splinters and ticks from your child.
#6. Teething Toys
Teething can begin in babies as early as 2months. Be prepared and invest in toys made of rubber to relieve your littleone’s discomfort.
#7. Electrolyte Drink
Electrolyte drinks can help treat diarrhea-related dehydration.
There are a lot of baby items out there in the market which can overwhelm a lot of new parents. Fortunately, these baby must-haves checklist will help you avoid spending your hard-earned money on things you won’t really need for your newborn.
Need further help in taking care of your newborn? Nurture Parenting, the Australian baby whisperers, has more than 30 years of experience in supporting parents in their new lives with an infant. We also offer the Nurture Sleep Program, a baby sleep training course, which helps newborns self-settle and. Contact us today to get started!
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