Does your baby have attitude?
I get sent a lot of baby and child questions and problems to solve. I feel like Miss Marple most days!
A lot of the babies I see have a particular style of personality and are of a certain temperament. Challenging and most definitely boundary pushing.
So when I got this through, I said 'Aha, here's one of mine. Very typical.'
This one is from a mummy with a 12 month old.
Hello Karen! I really need your advice please as I just don't know what to do. Sienna has been so grumpy and whiney lately and I just don't know what it is ... she is down to 1 nap now and at the moment goes back down at 11 she is exhausted by then. If we are out I the car she will always almost fall asleep and I have to work very hard to keep her awake until we get home.
It's weird but my observation is that she is grumpier when I am around!!! I have tried giving a morning nap again around 9am but it took 30 mins for her to fall asleep and then she only did 30 mins! When she goes down at 11 (sometimes a bit before she settles in a few mins) and generally sleeps for just over 1 hour and goes back to bed at 6pm and wakes at 5.30 am. She is also being a bit aggressive and lashing out at our faces and making angry noises which she doesn't normally do but has done before when teething... Could it possibly be that?
I can't feel any teeth coming but towards the middle of her mouth at the bottom sometimes looks a bit swollen and white....I actually feel like such a bad mum as she is so grumpy and I am not enjoying being around her, normally I love my time with her and we have so much fun! She is suddenly not liking the spoon and loves feeding herself (even yoghurt) haha so maybe it's a developmental thing?
Please tell me this little monster will go away and I will get my sweet, fun little girl back. It's being quite full on to manage on top of feeling like crap in my first trimester! Another essay..... Sorry! X x x Oh and she is still having one b/feed at bedtime.. And 3 main meals plus 2 x snacks No sippy cup with cows milk as she has plenty of dairy in the day and water for fluid but do you think maybe she's not getting enough? We obviously offer food until she's had enough ...
I answered and told her about some of the other babies I know that growl at their mummies! I explained that it is indeed a temperament thing and she's definitely wanting to be in control.
Haha!! She is definitely very tricky to be around at the moment and she's a growler too. Sometimes I turn around in the car and smile at her and she moans at me like a lion and makes other horrible noises.... Yuk! I've stopped wasting my energy and I am not turning around as I got sick of being growled at haha
Growling babies are really quite common. I hear about them an awful lot.
Babies don't have this polite filter that most adults have. If they don't like something they tell you. A lot of babies growl through frustration. They may want to feed themselves and are over being spoon fed. It may be a developmental stage and they want to do something and can't.
It's a term that Google knows a lot about! And not as uncommon as you'd think.
Aren't babies funny and cute and frustrating all at the same time!?!
Some further reading
- http://www.idads.co.uk/beware-of-the-growling-baby/
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