My 'significant other' had a very peaceful evening. Lots of furious sign language and gesticulating. Today, I can't even manage a whisper!
I had to cancel all my clients at my other job (GP"S) which I feel bad about, but with no voice there's not much I can do!
The plus side is that my cats are loving me being at home. Tabitha and Trim have spent all day on the bed with me.

Here's some more news hot off the press.
BABY LED WEANING (BLW) seminar on Tuesday 14th August 2-3pm at 118 Henderson Road, Alexandria 2015 (MG Pilates www.mgpilates.com)

Many babies are independent eaters and BLW is a really easy way to help move babies from milk to solid food.
Karen will guide you on the safest and most successful way of introducing this method.
No longer do you need to struggle with those purees.
What are you waiting for?
Give Karen a call 0431 897932 and book your place...they're filling up fast and I'm keeping the group small, max of 8 bubs and their parents/carers.
Cost $30