It's my last day as a practice nurse this Thursday. I've enjoyed my time at Fountain Street General Practice but all good things come to an end. I'll miss the GP's, the lovely receptionists and the cute bubba's and patients. I've learnt a lot and given a lot too.
So as of Thursday I'm officially totally self-employed. OOHHERRR! Exciting. The work has arrived like a deluge! Social media has really helped me on my journey and I'm very grateful to Facebook and all the mummy's groups for passing my info on.
Exciting times ahead. Self care is very important, whether you're a parent, mummy or a small business owner. And I do practice what I preach. It was when I had no day off in over 2 weeks that made my decision and I think it was a good one. It was my birthday on Friday, no clue as to which one! A lady never reveals her age!!! And yes I had treats, a meal in the city at Spice Temple and some flowers from my other half . I even managed to visit a bookshop for the first time in 6 months. As usual though I gravitated towards the children's/parenting section and found a few gems which I will be sharing in due course.
On Saturday I went to a one year old's birthday party, Luca. It was so lovely and funny. Luca is one of my sleep proteges and Gabriel, another one, was invited along too. They looked at me, then at each other as if to say, "what is she doing here? Do you know her too?"
And they both sleep so well and all through the night. And how cute is Luca's cake? Very.
I'd like to give you an update on Xander and baby food refusal. You may remember him as the cheeky little bubba who had a dislike of the high chair and a preference for being fed main and dessert in the bath!!!!
I'd dedicated a blog to the issue as I know a lot of you have little Xander's at home!
And the solution
- More finger foods so a greater feeling of being in control.
- Eating from the same plate or bowl as the parents - your food is always more attractive
- Praising him for behaving him in his chair - connect the praise to his name and the activity, really important i.e. 'great job Xander for sitting in your highchair and eating your dinner'. Give eye contact when saying it and maybe a high-5 too!!! Children and babies love praise but it's so important to do labelled praise.
Well done Xander and well done Kim.
I love a happy ever after story <3