As you all know I'm Karen many jobs and I'm never bored!
I'd like to add that for a redhead (totally un-natural!) I have had a seriously blonde week. Sorry to be disparaging to al you natural blondes out there. LOL :-)
Monday was my GP practice nurse day and I managed to put the WRONG rubbish out! Doh! I'd put the laundry that needed dry cleaning/washing into the garbage skip! Hasty rescue ensued.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was spent doing a spot of a baby whispering and teaching babies to love their cots!
All those parents and bubs are doing so well and I'm so proud of them all.
Sleep training is really hard and I have total respect and admiration for these parents.
Yesterday was another blonde moment. I was at my practice nurse job and decided that the computer, phone and desk needed a spot of cleaning!
I cleaned over the keyboard and as I admired my handiwork noticed the computer screen was now vertical! Doh! A few panicked moments and I knew I needed help! I asked Ginnie, I asked Mel and I had to ring one of the GP's at home on his day off! I think I made his day. He laughed for a whole 5 minutes. Oh yes I can be quite quite dim!
It was a simple, Cntrl, alt, up key and hey presto FIXED
Then last night (Thursday) was my piece de la resistance.
I'd been invited to a swanky Sydney restaurant, The Bathers Pavilion for a birthday surprise.
It was my 'significant' others, boss's 60th birthday surprise!
And do you know what I'd done? I'd booked a family in for help with their one year old's sleep issue!
So while 'significant' other was dining out on yummy food and champers I was helping some lovely parents with little Penelope who wasn't awfully keen on her cot! (this photo is not Penelope!)
This is Penelope. I have used this with her mum's permission! Thank you Renae, you are a star. Renae has a fab blog, that whilst talking to her on the phone today, I discovered I follow and read and had 'borrowed' one of her photos before. LOL.
My 'significant' other laughed at my voicemail, at the message that reeked of superiority.
"Well yes I'm sure you're having a good time but I had an ever better time because I was helping some lovely parents with their baby/toddler become reacquainted with her cot."
Oh I can be so virtuous! He was very naughty and had SMS'd me the menu! How's that for rubbing my nose in it?
And todays' update on Miss Penelope is that she has gone to the top of the class with a gold star for merit in the subject of sleeping.
Yes she slept through with only an incy wincie re-settle in the early hours and slept till 6am. YAY for Princess Penelope.