I'm here in lovely Sydney roasting in record temperatures of 34C today and Adelaide is frying with 7 days of temps above 30C. Phew and poor Miss Freya needs woolly hats to keep toasty in the far North.
It's a big weekend coming up. Sis is hitting the BIG 40. YAY for sis and Miss Freya is getting Christened. A double celebration. Sis is very excited and a wee bit nervous. Miss Freya is not keen on too many people. her temperament is a bit introvert, choosy and slightly aloof. I think wise!
So we'll see how it all goes. Unfortunately I'm not making an appearance. It's way too cold. I've been here in OZ 10 years and I love the warm....
So heres the latest blog and photos from The North of England. I'm a bit concerned about the goat and the photo opportunity of goat eating blankie! Freya, didn't look very impressed either! What an introduction to goats.

Gday sis,
Am so pissed off spent most of my evening trying to download some photos and video clips and was nearly there and my computer shut down to do some updates aaaaggghhhhh!!!! So i'm afraid you only have photos as vidoe clips take about 3 years to download but will try again with them! How are you anyway? Thanks for the wad of cards hope there isn't anything too cheeky in there!!! Have sent some pics of Docker Park Farm where we went yesterday. Check out the smiling goats! Have written a small blog up to you whether you use it. Let me know when you want to skype. Jonny off this week but he has man flu.......
Freya had a day trip out to the farm yesterday. She seemed to enjoy herself apart from when she met the pigs - her bottom lip came out and she nearly cried! The naughty goat tried to eat her blanket, but apart from that she remained unscathed! She got to see lots of different animals, and was exhausted by the end of it - she was falling asleep while being carried around the gift shop. They also had a great indoor play area and bouncy castle which i'm sure she will enjoy when she's older. All in all a great day out, but we had to make a sharp exit when i dropped a glass xmas tree decoration in the shop - very embarrasing!
That's my sis! Love you XXX