My sister Lesley is today's guest blogger. I did a spot of negotiation. She calls it blackmail. A bit harsh I feel!
A crocheted hat in exchange for a blog I think is a fair currency!
She lives in the far North of England in a place called the Yorkshire Dales. It's a bit like Heartbeat country and is in a pocket between 3 counties - Cumbria, Yorkshire and Lancashire. It's very beautiful and very cold in Winter. They've had frost already and a few sprinklings of snow.
Lesley goes to a couple of mums groups. They're held in church and school halls. These photos are from a village called Dent. The Methodist churches are dotted everywhere and this area is formerly a Temperance society (not my sis or Johnny!!!!). It is a complete contrast to the mums/parents groups I do in Bondi and Sydney.
So here it is... and when she mentions a brew and a biscuit she means a cup of tea and a biscuit. LOL. Just in case you were wondering what sort of mothers group this was!!!
Well in return for some crocheted hats, mittens, booties and blankets here goes my first blog! Bear with me......! Me thinks its blackmail but its well worth it as Auntie Karen makes some beautiful things for Freya - thank you sis :) she will be nice and toasty as its getting mighty nippy in blighty!
Freya has started going to regular baby groups now. They are both held in very rural communities - one in an old school hall, and the other in a Methodist church. This obviously give's Freya a chance to meet and play with other children, and play with some different toys. She's not too keen on a lot of noise, and we sometimes have to take ourselves away for a bit of peace and quiet for a few minutes! From my point of view it allows me to get to know the other mum's and share any problems/top tips and have a brew and a biscuit! Its also nice knowing that she will probably end up going to school with most of the children.
As you can see from the pictures she can't quite sit up yet but she's doing really well, and is only a few days away from being 6 months old. No teeth as yet but i don't think they are far away.... She had her first yoghurt today which she wolfed down in a flash and was not too impressed when it was all gone. We are both looking forward to having some new flavours and textures to eat - she loooovves her food, and rarely turns her nose up at anything. We are looking forward to using her fabulous new highchair bought for her by Uncle Steve - thank you very much.
We recently had a day out at 'last of the summer wine' country in Yorkshire - she loved getting behind the wheel of the land rover, and watching the raindrops running down the windscreen. I was made to pose on top of Nora Batty's stairs for a picture minus the wrinkled stockings i may add!
The Last of The Summer Wine was a BBC UK TV programme from the 1980's set in Yorkshire.
Thank you Sis and well done on your first blog.
We'd all like to hear more, so if you're not too busy with Miss Freya, I can do an item of crochet a week in exchange for a blog! LOL :-)