If you haven't read them yet you can find the previous blogs at:
- Can they read a book?
- Can they write their name?
- Can they tell you their full name?
- Can they listen attentively, understand and answer simple questions and follow simple instructions?
- Do they know their colours and match colours?
- Can they count to 20?
- Can they understand new ideas – size, weight, numbers, colours, time of day and position?
- Are they aware of consequences and are they thinking more rationally?
- Are they aware of others and others needs?
Emotional Health
- Building self-esteem is really important. Praise where it is due and connect the praise to the behavior, if you wish to see more of it!
- Showing an interest in your child’s activities helps promote self-esteem.
- An awareness of feelings is important and identifying when they’re happy and sad and what caused it. Creating empathy by saying things like, “I know you feel upset that you didn’t get to finish the story. We’ll try and do that later tonight before bedtime. Is that OK?”
- Allowing the child to vent in a safe and controlled way. Helping them find and use words that describe how they feel. Giving them or a hug or a touch of the arm when they need a bit of warmth or understanding.
- Naming feelings by using words like, “I know you must be feeling cross because I can see you are frowning.”
- Let your child come up with workable solutions for their emotions. They may surprise you! When they feel upset try and get them to tell you about it.
- Try and give options rather than too much choice. Choice can be overwhelming for a toddler or child.
- As I mentioned before routines create security, try and stick to a workable home routine for meals and bedtimes.
And most of all don’t sweat the small stuff! Decide on what’s important and what is not.
It’s important to have fun and feel proud that you’ve made it to the school years and give, you the parent, a pat on the back for doing such a great job. Well done you!
Check out this brochure from New South Wales Health. It's a great read for, you the parent and your child to read together.