It has some amazing programmes, some of which I have been lucky enough to attend. They have been supporting parents and families since the 1940’s. It’s located at 64 Holdsworth Street, Woollahra, in the leafy backstreets, just off Queen Street.
I’ve put a link here to their website http://www.holdsworth.org.au and click on ‘our services’ which leads you to the section on children and families or click on the direct link below
Some of the Sessions include:
- Playgroup – Monday to Friday 09:30 – 12:30 MD
- Baby Massage
- Sleep and settling
- Postnatal exercises
- Getting fit with your toddler
- Funky Moves
- Mums and Bubs Yoga
- Moving your baby onto solids
First Aid Courses
Once a month there is a First Aid Course run by Kids First Aid www.kidsfirstaid.com.au. They run sessions on first aid for carers of children from 0-16 years old. These are usually run once a month and costs are competitive. You can email them on info@kidsfirstaid.com.auThe Holdsworth Centre also holds sessions on parenting and ideas for how to guide your toddler through the ‘terrible’ or ‘terrific’ two’s! I’ll be looking at the ‘Children are People Too’ programme in a future blog – worth its weight in gold. If you want to parent in a guidance/teaching role then this is for you. It’s a fabulous model for parenting and one I thoroughly endorse.
Louise and Catherine are the ladies to contact on (02) 9382 3600.
They are running a one-off session for International Women’s Day – Women and Money: Lifting the veil.
This is a FREE session about financial security in the event of adversity – death in the family, serious illness, unemployment and separation or divorce. It’s so important for women to be informed about options should we face any of the aforementioned ‘yucky’ things. It may not affect you, personally but maybe a friend or someone in the family. And best of all its FREE. It’s on this Thursday 8th March from 7:30pm. Contact Catherine on: Tel: 9302 3600.