I'm getting over my jet lag, thank goodness. It's the worst thing about travelling back to England, ho hum...
I left behind spring and lousy weather (wet and cold) , 0-10C every day and lo and behold it's now scorching in England and the sun is shining. Temperatures are a balmy 21-25C
On my arrival back to Sydney, Australia I'm suddenly transported into Autumn and the leaves are falling off the trees.
It's really pretty. I love the colour of the falling leaves and the patterns of the tree branches and the eternal child within me, who loves to walk through large piles of fallen leaves and hear the scrunch...
There's something very satisfying about it and no matter how old I get I still derive lots of childlike pleasure from it!
Maybe that's why I love working with children so much! I really 'get' things on their level.
I started back at my other day job last week, as a practice nurse at a local GP's. We were very busy and my blog got neglected as I battled with jet lag and work! LOL!
We see heaps of babies and children and I really love the interaction and the families.
It really is a lovely place to work.
One of the things we do, is a 4 year old developmental health check on the 'littlies', pre-school to assess for school readiness.
Something I read, whilst over in England, in a newspaper, got me thinking about our 4 year old check.
The report commented on how many 4 year olds, do not know their name, can't count to 10 and they do not have ANY books to read in their home (plenty of DVD"S though).
It really made me feel so sad.
I know I've been over here, in OZ, for 10 years now, but WHAT is going on over there. Or not as it seems...
I see children at 18 months in the inner West of Sydney who can sing me a nursery rhyme such as 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' word perfect. Really.
I'm going to look further, at this 4 year old health and development check and why I think it is GOLD.
I told you, that what I saw and heard over there, really got me thinking...