This is the link for tomorrow nights live chat!
http://youtu.be/81Dmar2vuJ8Set up a Google Plus account to join and add me to your circles. If you don't want to open a Google Plus account but still want to join me tomorrow night then send me your email and I'll send a request for you to join me. It's much simpler tho' if you open a Google Plus account.
Come and join me it's free and fun. It's a chance to have an hour of chat with me and ask my anything baby related!
To turn on the live chat you need to go to the top left side of the Google hangout screen where the speech marks are to the left of the word Google. When you click on the speech marks it will open up a set of icons. Live chat is the top one and can be turned on or off by yourselves. You then type your questions on the box that opens on the right of the screen at the bottom.
If you'd like to know a bit more about google hangouts here's a great YouTube clip
If you're interested in joining me as part of a membership package that includes emails and phone calls please contact me at karen@nurtureparenting.com.au
I have many interested parents and as I mentioned yesterday the places are limited to 20.
Tuesday at 8pm will be baby live chat 0-12 months and Sunday 8pm will be toddler live chat.
Let your friends and mothers group know. Pass it on. Do you have any family/friends who live interstate, rural Australia or overseas who would benefit from this service??
From 10th November it's a closed live chat to membership parents only. Parents will be invited by me via their email.
Exciting :-)
See you tomorrow night!