So after much internal monologue and debating and umming and ahhing I have decided to out a photo of myself.
It was hard. Why you ask? Well a photo is very personal and people form opinions about a picture. Emma said it was a good thing and only good could come of it!
So I've chosen a photo taken last weekend on a harbour cruise on Sydney Harbour. It's definitely non photoshopped! And my hair is quite red - the home dye was different to the packet (as always) but I'm getting used to it.
This is also me on the horse aged two and a half. Free range childhood and a very happy one. That's my grandma holding my little brother .
As for my age, now that is secret. A girl NEVER reveals her age. Some things have to be sacred.
Where do I come from? I'm originally from The Lake District in England (Cumbria). The place where Beatrix Potter and Wordsworth are from. I've been living in OZ now for 10 years and I love it here. My family are all 'over there' and I visit as often as I can.
I'm off home soon as my little Sis is having her baby in 3-4 weeks. So I'm due to be a very proud Aunty again. My niece Gemma is 21 and I have a nephew Jack, 19. My family is HUGE. I have 21 cousins and heaps of aunties and uncles. So my life growing up was full of children and family. So I was sort of destined to be a nurse and midwife. It was something I always wanted to be.
I love reading and writing. That's my other passion (I write books) and inhale words. And I love cooking and music and crochet. I'm not very sporty but I do yoga.
OK that's enough now about me!