Todays blog is FULL of exciting news. I decided it was too good not to share and I'm not one to keep it in!
I promised a little while ago that top of my list would be getting Nurture Parenting accredited as a provider for several private health funds. My office angel Sue has taken this challenge on...I'm very happy to announce that we're now nib, bupa, australian unity, teachers health, commonwealth bank employees health and australian defence force health fund accredited providers. HCF and Medibank Private are next and I'm waiting to hear back from a heap of others. How good is that? It means that families can get their babies sleep sorted and get a health fund refund. All health funds have their own clauses and terms and conditions so check out with them if you're eligible. It's often the top tier health fund packages.
When you register for a sleep consult let me know on the registration form which fund you're in and as I mentioned check with your health care provider. Not all the top funds do it unfortunately.
Next on my exciting news front is the new Baby Sleep Consultants Nurture Parenting is taking on. Woohoo! I'll tell you more about them individually in another blog. They're all amazing people, very well qualified and have beautiful hearts. I think kindness is a quality that embodies all at Nurture Parenting and these special people all parent from the heart. You can't give people that. I've been watching these people for a while and I'm thrilled they want to come and join me. Some of them are clients of mine and have been through sleep training themselves.
My third bit of news is personal. My niece Gemma is having a baby. I'm going to be a great aunty!!! Yes not just content with being an aunty to 4. It's now reached the next notch. I'm not even 50!!! Yikes. Then I thought haha my brother will be a Grandad at 45! Now that really made me laugh :-) My brother had his children very young at 21 and Sam my sister in law was 18 when she had Gemma. I spent a lot of time helping Sam with both her kids so this is very special to me.
This is my family. My bro Graham is at the front, Gemma is behind him next to my sister Lesley with Freya and my nephew Jack is next to my dad on the far right holding Tilly (Lesleys' littlest). My mum is at the front right and Lesley is holding Freya next to the Christmas tree.
I think that's enough excitement from me for a Saturday. Back to that book writing Karen...