It sure feels a bit strange not being there.
I got sent a flyer about learning to teach baby yoga at my baby massage studio venue, MG Pilates and I just had to do it.
I felt it was an opportunity that I should not let pass me by.
It's also a natural fit with my baby massage seminars and has great benefits for promotion of physical and cognitive development in bub.
It's being taught by Birthlight from the UK. Once I checked out their website and found out they train Health Visitors in the UK (of which I'm one) I had to do it. So I've been travelling North of the bridge to Yoganic at Willoughby and yoga pavilion at Artarmon. Its been inspiring and I can see what I'm going to do with it and how to incorporate it into my business at Nurture Parenting Solutions. It fits in nicely to my holistic approach to parenting and building relationships with your baby and getting the best possible outcomes for your baby's physical, cognitive and emotional health.

Baby yoga helps to attune to your baby’s needs and to calm or stimulate them as appropriate with a sense of security and wellbeing. It is beneficial for all babies, you don’t need to practice yoga or even know anything about yoga to get started with your baby.
It fits in with my ethos on parenting and is something I plan to be teaching at MG Pilates…watch this space…classes coming very very soon. It's something I will be doing during the week, in the afternoon's, mainly for mumma's/parents and will eventually be a weekend thing as I let it find its way.
So I'll let you know when I've locked a date in for my first baby yoga class…exciting…very.