NEW Mums & Bubs Yoga at Flying Yogis, Bondi Junction has started!
These classes are being run by a mum I know, Julia and they are sure to be a winner winner, chicken dinner :-)
They are offering Julia's AYFit classes as part of the Flying Yogis studio, starting October 11 every Tuesday 11am. Julia is running classes for kids under 18 months..
I'm very happy to help Julia and The Flying Yogi's spread the word; below is the blog. Julia is also advertising this from her Happy AcroYoga Facebook page: https://web.facebook.com/happyacro/
Flying Yogis http://flyingyogis.net.au/
And as many of you know I have a Diploma in Baby Yoga and I think it's totally AH-MAZING.

What is AYFit?
AYFit is the social fitness innovation that combines strength training, cardio endurance, and flexibility with the partner work, AcroYoga is known for. It builds smart, toned, and coordinated muscles in a safe, fun & progressive environment. This circuit-based workout is suitable for beginners as well as advanced practitioners.Julia's mission is to build smart, strong bodies through partner acrobatic training techniques.
Why Mums and Bubs?
Because Julia has a baby :)It is a great way to get back in shape if you have had a break from your exercise routine. The workout is tailored to the needs of the participants, so you can work on your own level and at your own speed. At the same time the fun and supportive environment of the class will make you feel "OMG never thought I could do that!".

Because Mums are a community!
Ever had that feeling when you see another mum with a similar age baby that you just have so much in common and you desperately want to talk and connect? Even if you have just met? AYFit is designed to cultivate that connection, support and sense of community.
Because bubs love it!
Personally, I found as soon as my little one began crawling and sitting unassisted, he loved just watching me: vacuum clean, dance, exercise. So why not entertain your baby while doing something for yourself?
About Julia
Passionate about exercise and teaching, Julia has combined the two and became a certified yoga teacher with Byron Yoga Centre in August 2011. Julia is also a certified AcroYoga teacher, AYFit instructor and Laughter Yoga facilitator. Exercise and meditation help Julia find the work-life balance in her business consulting job. Helping people achieve their potential makes Julia happy and she believes that anything is possible with the right attititude and persistence.