Oscar has been feeding himself with finger foods for 2 weeks and his favourite food is broccoli!!! Yes really! It's always the first food he goes for.
His technique is really amazing and he's an expert self feeder. I think watching Oscar in action will give you parents out there heaps of confidence to give Baby Led Weaning and finger foods a red hot go.
I asked his mum Julie to video him doing a normal gag reflex and he deals with it amazingly. You might remember from my previous blogs on Baby Led Weaning that the gag reflex is a normal protective reflex and is there to prevent your baby from choking. It tends to disappear after 9 months of age.
Watch Oscar in action as he starts eating broccoli, gags and then carries on. The food is so important to him that a little gag is of no concern to him!
Julie handles it really well and has learnt that its a normal process and not to react. By showing you're frightened by the gag it can have quite a negative effect on the baby.
The second video of a 6 month old baby is Liam. This is his very first introduction to finger foods but he quickly takes to it really well and ends up loving it so much that he wants to lick all the food off the tray. Too cute!
Thank you to the mummy's - Julie and Nancy for letting me film their too cute baby's and help you parents out there with Baby Led Weaning and how it all works.