A concise A-Z of everything a new parent needs to know. In these days of overwhelming information, it’s refreshing to be given exactly what you need from a trusted parenting and midwifery expert. There is no judgement or opinion attached, but simply incredible information to provide new parents with the confidence they need to get through the early days.
It also includes inside info on newborn baby sleep essentials. I share everything I h been teaching parents over my long career of midwifery and the secrets of great newborn sleep. Not only is it a must read, but the essential information in this book changed many parents lives. It’s important to note this book is best suited to babies under four months – as once the baby reaches 4 months, a whole different approach and sleep training is needed.
To Download the book: the download link will appear in the ‘Order Details’ screen that launches after the purchase
Sam Hobbelen, mum of 2 under 3 years, ‘We went from having a baby who cried for 4-5 hours overnight to a baby who slept through. We still refer to Karen in our household as ‘Karen Poppins’!
‘Such an easy read & layout. I the flexible routine, I’ll go with the flow, but having some idea is awesome.’ Kristy Fairbairn mum of 3 under 3 years, including twins.
‘Karen has helped a lot of my babies and parents with their sleep difficulties; I would highly recommend her. ‘ Dr Carole Chung, BMedSc, MBBS, Dip Paeds, FRACGP and GP at Fountain Street General Practice, Alexandria, NSW 2015